Friday, March 5, 2010

A Good Cause

The oldest has been in cathecism since school began in August. During Lent he was given a "Rice Bowl" to fill with the money he would have spent on meals during the time he is fasting. He has collected change from all over the house for this project.

The other night there was some change on the table:

"Dad can I have this change"
"No" says dad
"Dad, I need this change to feed the poor"

Guess where the change ended up??

Friday, February 26, 2010

How does it go by so fast?

Anyone reading this knows that time flys by and you just seem to watch it. I can't believe it has been so long since I last wrote. The house is crazy busy and I sit here every couple months and wonder how we made it through.

The youngest made binoculars out of toliet paper tubes in school yesterday, looks outside into the clouds and says "Snow Clouds" - genius :) The snow continues to fly today and to know he predicted the weather is just a great feat for him. This is the same child who woke up one day in the past few weeks and just "gets" it. For the longest time he couldn't tell you what letter he was looking at. This week he walks around with his word box spelling the words in it - N I N E "Mom I know all the letters" Amazing as a parent to watch him finally get it.

Thank you for listening to a proud parent today!!